Today I had a great time at the beach with Jasmine, modelling our favourite summer clothes! What I'm wearing in the picture is this cute mini bunny print skirt I got from H&M for £12.99 which I loved as soon as I tried it on. The material used for it is really soft quality cotton, so it's comfortable to wear and looks fashionable at the same time, so its 2 in 1! Comfort and Style. I'm also wearing a cream lace cardigan from Primark which cost only £8, and my sunglasses which I got from New Look for £7.99. So you see, you don't need to splash out loads to find a great outfit to wear this Summer.
I am wearing a Bird print skirt from H&M which I immediately fell in love with. I had to buy it straight away because it was so lovely! It was around £15 and I think it has now sold out. Prints are one of my favourite Spring/Summer trends so I can't wait to buy some more like this. I'm also wearing a cosy cardigan from H&M which I brought for £14.99 and a £8 top from Select.
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